Robertson Castle, Invervack, was burnt down ** After the defeat of the Jacobite rising of 1745 the Robertson lands became part of the Forfeited Estates ** wonder why we left Scotland?

Gordon Castle - the place to stay

May 17th   Highland Games

Snow Skiing

ALERT!  Gordon Setter at risk

Besides the Gordons, Moray Firth was also full of Robertsons.

Music -- Culloden, 1746 - Most Scots helped Prince Charles Edward Stuart AKA Bonnie Prince Charlie and lost = no more clan system. BTW - hear 2 Scottish rock bands

THE END - the nightmare began: 1296, King Edward I of England invades Scotland AKA Hammer of the Scots ** Tale of Robt the Bruce

Do you like poetry?  Do you like soup for lunch - Scottish Soup?  What about  Scottish Salmon for dinner?